
Empowering Efficiency, Reliability, and Sustainability in IT

Spare Parts Management, Hardware Maintenance and Rental, and Data Erasure and Sanitizing Services

As our commitment to assisting Indonesia in becoming a digital society, we provide comprehensive Value-added Services, including:

Comprehensive Value-Added Services

Our portfolio of Value-Added Services encompasses Spare Parts Management, Comprehensive Hardware Maintenance, and Hardware-as-a-Service offerings, including equipment leasing options. 

Spare Parts Management Services

Solution to optimize IT lifecycle efficiency and reduce costs while promoting sustainability by streamlining IT spare parts procurement and supply, optimize efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize carbon footprint.

Spare Parts Management Services, or SPM Services, is a channel-dedicated service package that is designed to streamline the procurement and supply of IT hardware components, both critical and non-critical. The comprehensive range of solutions guides companies through every stage of the IT lifecycle, optimizing organizational efficiency and reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The services include spare parts inventory and logistic strategies for the data center, and dispatch of spare parts for servers, storage, and network equipment around Indonesia, to assure that the data center hardware will be running at peak efficiency and environment friendly.

By minimizing the carbon footprint of new technology investments, we also contribute to environmental sustainability. Our commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of technology investments extends beyond simply reducing computer component waste. We also work to minimize the environmental impact of our operations by using sustainable practices and materials whenever possible.

Hardware Maintenance Services

Comprehensive maintenance services for server, storage, and network hardware.

Hardware Maintenance Services is a channel dedicated maintenance contract performed regularly in response to data center hardware utilization or time-based causes as preventive and remedial services that physically repair or optimize hardware. The Maintenance Services are crucial to reduce the likelihood of hardware failures, extending the system lifetime, minimize system crashes caused by outdated drivers and other software problems, secure the system against viruses and other malware, and prevent data loss.

A professional and reliable multi-vendor service package and hardware support, extending the lifecycle of data center equipment, and benefits customers' business operations and the environment.

Hardware as a Service (HaaS)

Maximize your computing power without breaking the bank, the intelligent and cost-effective solution for renting your hardware needs.

Hardware as a Service (HaaS) is a cutting-edge rental model that empowers businesses to lease data center equipment and spare parts instead of making costly upfront purchases. Similar to pay-per-use services such as taxi and bike rentals, HaaS offers a flexible, multi-vendor package of fully configured servers, storage, network equipment, and spare parts to meet both short-term and long-term business needs. Whether you require temporary servers for training or demos, or system spares for peak periods, our Rental Services provide the computing power and capacity you need to complete any project without unnecessary capital investments in new hardware.

With Hardware as a Service (HaaS), businesses can easily access the latest technology without the upfront costs of purchasing equipment. 

Data Erasure and Sanitizing Services

Erase Secure. Erase Green. Our eco-friendly and Sanitizing Service permanently deletes data, maximizing security and minimizing e-waste.

Data Erasure and Sanitizing Services (DES Services) is essential for businesses to safeguard sensitive data and adhere to regulations. These services go beyond simple deletion, permanently removing or destroying data to prevent unauthorized access, even with advanced tools.

While traditional methods like physical destruction are effective, they are environmentally harmful. We offer a secure and eco-friendly alternative, ensuring permanent data erasure while complying with regulations like the ITE Law and GDPR. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to severe legal and financial repercussions.

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